Sunday, May 5, 2013

Its that time of year again :(

Summer is almost here and it's that time of year again that I dread....swimsuit shopping. :(  I hate shopping for swimsuits with a passion! Nothing ever fits or looks right. The bottoms are too big or the tops too small, the one piece makes me look like someones grandma so I just stay away from the pool as much as I can! However you cant possibly stay away from swimsuits because they're everywhere! I cant even go to Walmart to buy a gallon of milk without them being right next to the checkout section. So, I have came up with a few places that sell affordable and cute swimsuits (in no particular order).

1. Forever21 - Forever has super cheap swimsuits starting at $4.80 (per piece)! And they're really cute. And on top of that they now have a plus size line that has affordable swimsuits as well.
2. Target- always has really cute designs when it comes to swimsuits. They're a little higher than Forever21 but they're still affordable.
3. Torrid- is a great store for women who wear a size 12+. They are a little higher than Target and Forever 21 but hey, you get what you pay for and it's still cheaper than going to Macy's to buy a swimsuit.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you have the shopping experience to know where to buy clothes and great deal.
