Thursday, December 12, 2013

Affordable Beauty Blenders

Photo from

Beauty sponges are used to blend out concealer. There are many different shapes but I find the egg shaped ones very useful. You can use the tip part of it to get in the corners of your eyes and you can use the rounded part to blend it all in. You can purchase the real beauty blenders online and in stores for $19.95 and up which I think is way over priced. I found an off brand version of them at TJ Maxx for only $4.99, I even found one in the clearance section for $2.99. 

Affordable Lipstick Dupes

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Every girl could use a few good lipsticks. I ran across this website that had a really good chart for Mac dupes. I would rather pay $1.99 than $15.00 for a lipstick any day. The colors aren't exactly the same but they are very similar. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ugg boots... are they worth the money?

I have owned three pair of Uggs in the past 5 years i've also purchased a few non-name brand boots that are similar to Uggs.. in my opinion i DO think Uggs are worth the money. The pair of the short classic ones run about $165 and a pair of classic tall ones cost around $199. This is a lot of money for a pair of shoes (i have to admit i'm super cheap!) but they last a really long time. The cheaper ones i've had i've bought at shoe carnival or Target. I don't even remember the brand of them I just know they were horrible. I couldn't even wear them in the snow because the snow would sink into my boots and then into my socks! I have never tried Bearpaw boots but i've heard they are similar to Uggs as far as their construction goes. If your looking for good snow boots that will keep your feet warm then Uggs  are it. They are very sturdy and very reliable.

Who wore it best?

I feel like it may have been a while since i've done a who wore it best post.. The left is a recent picture of Kim Kardashian on the set of her family's 2013 christmas card and the right is a photo of Carmen Electra. I think the dress is ugly but if I had to pick one I would go with Kim K simply because she fills it out a little better. This picture is a little to over the top for a christmas card in my opinion but hey.. Shes is a Kardashian so anything goes right?

Beauty & skin care tips!

This is my list of top 10 beauty and skin care tips! (in no particular order)

1. Get enough sleep at night!
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Keep your hands out of your face.
4. Wash your face at least twice a day. (once in the morning and once at night)
5. Always use some sort of moisturizer after washing your face.
6. Wash your makeup brushes often. (at least once a month)
7. Never sleep in your makeup. 
8. Never pop a zit.
9. Never pump your mascara. 
10. Don't smoke cigarettes. 

Winter Makeup tutorial!

This video is a few months old but I recently ran across it. I really like it and I think it would make a good holiday look!

I finally tried it... MACs Cyber

photo from

I finally tried out MACs Cyber lipstick and lined it with MACs Nightmoth lip liner and I must say... I do like it! Its a very dark plum and depending on the lighting of your photos, if its dark out and you dont have flash, it may even look black. But i think its a very good color if you're going out and want to spice up your makeup a little bit. I wore it this weekend with a smokey eye to a concert but if I were just going out with friends or something I probably wouldn't do a smokey eye.. I'd more than likely just do really neutral makeup, winged eyeliner and then the Cyber lipstick because this lipstick is very bold in itself.